Monday, December 19, 2011

Is it strange that I don't like going to parties?

If people do invite me to party I say no and make up an excuse as to why I "can't" go. I don't have too many friends and I've never seen myself being social in some way... and to be honest I am somewhat worried of social situations because I am afraid of what people would think of me not because of I have any inferiority complex, but because people wear goggles, and i am talking @ people and not the one who knows me well or who are sensitive to others and I probably won't have anything interesting to say. So what is wrong with me? Absolutely nothing, I choose to go parties, based upon not who has invited but who is there in the parties.

Not going to a party or wanting to be alone is not called "anti-social" but "doing what we feel comfortable."
It's not strange, it's different. And everyone is different from the others in one way or another.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

When ever I talk with zeal, or in training program or on Katta, I always like telling stories, I came across one short story which connected to my nature, There are always things already existing in the world, you only have to discover it, it happens also that the thing also discovers you - here is that short story I liked.

There was once a disciple of a great teacher. Day after day the disciple would sit at the feet of his teacher listening to his instruction. Many people would come to visit and inevitably the teacher would engage them by telling a story.
One day the disciple asked; "Guruji, why do you engage people by means of stories? Why don't you just give them your teaching straight out?"

The guru answered: "Bring me some water."

Now the disciple knew his teacher to be a very formal and disciplined man. He had never asked for water at this time of the day. Nevertheless, he went immediately to fetch it. Taking a clean brass water pot from the ashram kitchen, the disciple went to the well, filled the pot with water and returned. He offered it to his teacher.

"Why have you brought me a pot when I asked only for water?" 

Great , Great !!